Final Cut Pro X Live Class – Introduction to Editing – 16th Janu ary 2018


In this two hour online class we will be learning the essentials of editing with Final Cut Pro X. Throughout this class any questions will be welcomed and even if we don’t have time to answer things in class we can arrange extra one-to-one training time.
By the end of this class you will have the skills to complete a full workflow from import to edit and export.
We will cover the following:
Getting Started
Introduction & Tour of The Interface
Setting Up Your Project – Libraries, Events & the Browser
Importing Video, Images & Audio
Editing – An Introduction
Marking Clips – selecting areas of your clips to use in an edit
Editing – Drag and drop editing
Editing Shortcuts – Speed Up Your Editing
Adjusting Your Edit
Split your clips on the timeline
Trim & Refine Your Clips On The Timeline
Move & Shuffle Clips on The Timeline
Exporting for delivery online
There will be time for a short question and answer session at the end of this class.